“Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all.” —George Washington
George Washington, the first U.S president was also a leader of the Continental Army. He was born in a prosperous family, in Virginia. He was eleven when his father died, his mother brought him up. Young Washington had a good flair and knack for Mathematics. His caliber caught the attention of Lord Fairfax who was the head of the one of the most powerful families there. At the age of sixteen, he became the surveyor of Lord Fairfax
After his half brother Lawrence’s death, he came to Mount Vernon which he inherited from his brother. England and France were staunch enemies at that point of time and Washington led a poorly trained force to build a fort on the Ohio River. On his way, they attacked a small French force and killed a French minister who was present. The incident triggered fight between the French and the British. British were defeated by the powerful French. Washington’s valour was praised only in the colonies, the government criticized the defeat. George went back to Virginia after the lack of appreciation he received from the government. He married a wealthy widow, Martha Custis and started running the family plantation. He became one of the first prominent Americans to support openly resistance to England's taxation policies and strict the Navigation Acts in the early 1770s.
Virginia legislature elected Washington by to both the First and the Second Continental Congress in 1774 and 1775. Washington fought a number of battles and lost to defend New York. But he led his army through a blizzard, into New Jersey, and routed the Hessian forces at Trenton. In 1778, the French allied with the Americans. In 1781, Washington defeated Cornwallis with his troops who were assisted by the French Navy.
After the war, he returned to Mount Vernon and called out of retirement to preside at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. With his great stature and outstanding credibility to the call for a new government quite evidently insured him as the first elected President of the United States. He single-handedly created a new government and was known as the "Father of the Nation". He wanted to retire after the first term but the unanimous support he got made him stay back for a second term. He was not only a revolutionary hero, but also a man with great sense of duty, integrity, and immense patriotism.
Entire nation
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